The 21 Principles of Tarot – III

Tarot Principles 3

III. Tarot is a Connection to Meaning.

Welcome to the third easy lesson for our FREE 21-lesson course in Tarot – ideal for beginners and unlike any other tarot course you’ll find!

The Tarot is a Blank Bible.

It provides an illustrated interpretation of all experience.

Every reading is connected to every event.

So, we can use tarot as a reminder of our own connection.

Remember then, from the very beginning, that the tarot is telling you something just by its existence in the world.

This will never be any different, from the beginning to the end.



We return to our simple practice today.

Shuffle your deck, thinking of the word “connection”.

When you feel ready, select out three cards.

Lay them out FACE DOWN in a line, left to right.

Do not look at the cards.

We take these three cards as an illustration of our connection to the world.

Turn over the first card, saying … “My challenge in connecting to the world is …”

Interpret this card as a challenge.

Turn over the second card, saying … “However, I have the resource of …”

Interpret this card as a resource.

You can also say “This card shows me what I can draw upon and it is telling me I can draw upon …”

Turn over the third card, saying … “And when I do so, I will learn the lesson of …”

Interpret this card as a lesson.

Say whatever comes to your mind, even as an absolute beginner – use the tips below if something doesn’t come immediately or easily to you at the beginning.


Tarot Principles 3

“My challenge with connecting to the world is … in trying to contain my emotions”.

[I looked at the fish in the cup on the Page of Cups]

“However, I have the resource of … being willing to change when it takes me forwards”.

[I see the Wand held by the Knight of Wands, who appears more mature than the Page of Cups and prepared to look to where he is going]

“And when I do so, I will learn the lesson of … Magic … which is being who I am, where I am, when I am, connected to the simple truth”.

[I am looking at the Magician card, and those words came to me]



If words do not immediately spring to mind, say the sentence out loud.

Imagine you can hear an imagined wise tarot reader in your own head or as if you were watching them read the cards on a TV show – what might they say?

It is OK if you change the words of the suggested sentences slightly, although consider why you have done so and what it offers you instead of the suggested words.

If you draw a complete blank, go back to the first Principle and take time looking at other cards with the three key themes. Then return to look at your reading.

These principles can be returned to many times, as they are designed so that you will always see something new in them each time.

Each of the 21 Principles will build together and give you absolute confidence in reading tarot in three weeks.

The next lesson is here – also join our Facebook Group so you don’t miss announcements!


To learn Tarot even more quickly, easily, and more in-depth, with unique methods built from 35 years experience and teaching, join the Tarot Association today!

Your membership includes a powerful 10-hour video tarot course, 78 videos covering every card, tarot magazine with hundreds of articles, and so much more.